Cuatro jvenes cientficos alcanzan habilidades superhumanas cuando un experimento de teletransportacin sale mal. Ahora, deben aprender a usar sus nuevos poderes para salvar al mundo de un tirano en ascenso. Los 4 Fantsticos (ttulo original en ingls, Fantastic Four, estilizada como Fant4stic en materiales promocionales) es una pelcula estadounidense basada en el equipo de superhroes de Marvel Comics del mismo nombre, que se estren en el 2015. Watch videoFANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary reimagining of Marvel's original and longestrunning superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. While 20th Century Fox's Fantastic Four film was both a critical and commercial flop when it debuted last year, producer Simon Kinberg says a sequel is still possible and he'd like to bring back. Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes. Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes 26 FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary reimagining of Marvel's original and longestrunning superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which. Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Fantastic Four directed by Josh Trank for 14. Fantastic Four Prime Marvel Universe (Earth616) The Fantastic Four are a team of adventurers and superheroes. During an accident on an experimental rocket, they were all given fantastic powers through exposure to cosmic rays. Their original membership included the superintelligent Reed Buy Fantastic Four: Read 1297 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. com The Internet has been eagerly wondering how the Fantastic Four will eventually be factored into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and one fanmade trailer brings that to life in an. Fantastic Four writer Jeremy Slater apologized for the 2015 remake while gushing about his upcoming adaptation of Stephen King's The Tommyknockers. Appearing in The Fantastic Four Featured Characters: Fantastic Four (1st Appearance and Origin for Entire Team) Mister Fantastic (See Chronology) Invisible Girl (See Chronology) Human Torch (See Chronology) Thing (See Chronology) Antagonists: Mole Man (First appearance) (Origin revealed Fantastic Four 2005. Les Quatre Fantastiques (Fantastic Four) [1 est un film de superhros amricain ralis par Josh Trank, sorti en 2015. Il s'agit du troisime film des Quatre Fantastiques tre coproduit et distribu par la 20th Century Fox et d'un reboot de la franchise. Le film est crit par Josh Trank, Simon Kinberg et Jeremy Slater et met en vedette Miles Teller, Michael B. Advance solicits for Marvel's October releases confirms that the Fantastic Four will once again interact with the rest of the Marvel Universe. More like a flameout for this dreary reboot of Marvel's First Family, the Fantastic Four. Fantastic Four's critical clobbering sees sequel pulled from schedules Prospect of a second bigscreen slog with Mr Fantastic and his superpowered pals diminishes, after followup disappears from. Fantastic Four is a 2015 film based on the comic book characters of the same name and a reboot of the film franchise. The film follows the team gaining Superpowers from a another planet and battled to project the world from Victor von Doom. Contents[show Plot Childhood friends Reed Richards and Fantastic Four is now playing. Sedric Andre: If you say you didn't like this movie without watching it, you might be a racist. Comicsboy 101: Sedric Andre I think the same. Fantastic Four is in theaters TODAY! Tag who youre taking to see it this weekend. Fantastic Four (Eigenschreibweise: FANT4STIC) ist ein USamerikanischer aus dem Jahr 2015. Die Comicverfilmung ist eine Neuverfilmung des Superheldenfilms Fantastic Four (2005) und basiert auf der Comicreihe Die Fantastischen Vier. Fantastic Four (gestileerd als Fant4stic) is een Amerikaanse sciencefictionfilm uit 2015 onder regie van Josh Trank. De film is gebaseerd op de stripboekenserie Fantastic Four van Marvel Comics. Het is de vierde liveaction film over dit superheldenteam, en de derde die. We are currently managing 324 articles, and we could use your help to make many more. We hope that you will give your contributions to the site! If you need help for what to do on this wiki, please check on one of the adminstrators here. w THE FANTASTIC FOUR Casting Update; Saoirse Ronan Among The Fantastic Four is a 1994 independent superhero film based on Marvel Comics' longrunning comic book and features the origin of the Fantastic Four and the team's first battle with the evil Doctor Doom. FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary reimagining of Marvels original and longestrunning superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which. FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary reimagining of Marvels original and longestrunning superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and. Fantastic Four Official Trailer: FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary reimagining of Marvels original and longestrunning superhero team, centers on four young Fantastic Four reboot Get the latest updates on Josh Tranks take on the Fantastic Four cast, story news! Critics Consensus: Marred by goofy attempts at wit, subpar acting, and bland storytelling, Fantastic Four is a mediocre attempt to bring Marvel's oldest hero team to the big screen. Fantastic Four (stylized as FANT4STIC) is a 2015 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. It is the third theatrical Fantastic Four film to be produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox and a reboot of the Fantastic Four film franchise. Rent Fantastic Four (2015) starring Tim Blake Nelson and Kate Mara on DVD and Bluray. Get unlimited DVD Movies TV Shows delivered to your door with no. FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary reimagining of Marvel's original and longestrunning superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alter Fantastic Four is an animated series produced by HannaBarbera Productions and the first animated series based on the Marvel comic book series Fantastic Four. The series, featuring character designs by Alex Toth, aired on ABC from 1967 to 1968. Reruns then continued to air on ABC until 1970. Find great deals on eBay for fantastic four 5. Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. Writerproducer Simon Kinberg talks about if we'll ever see an alternate cut of Fantastic Four, and the lessons learned in planning for Fantastic Four 2. Fantastic Four movie reviews Metacritic score: Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Th The Fantastic Four comic reveals Reed and Susan Richards aren't dead they're rebuilding reality with their kids (and Molecule Man). Buy Fantastic Four: Read 1245 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. com Fantastic Four is the 2015 Fantastic Four reboot film. It is based of the superhero team of the same name. It was released in theaters on August 7th, 2015. The film was a box office and critical disappointment, where critics considered it to be the worst superhero movie ever made. The film was Complete your Fantastic Four record collection. Discover Fantastic Four's full discography. Shop new and used Vinyl and CDs. Spacefaring visionaries exploring uncharted territory, the Fantastic Four were changed by cosmic rays into one of the world's greatest superteams. Now the world's greatest superfamily, the FF continue to explore and lead humanity through their heroic Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and the Thing utilize their scientific backgrounds to band together and defend the world against perilous threats. Fantastic Four ist ein ComicActionfilm aus dem Jahr 2005 und die Realverfilmung der gleichnamigen MarvelComicreihe Die Fantastischen Vier. 2007 erschien die Fortsetzung Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Fantastic Four 2015 DVD HD. Marvel is celebrating the return of the Fantastic Four in 2018 with 20 brand new variant covers. Fantastic Four (2005) The film is adapted from the comic book about a group of four people with supernatural powers: Reed Richards (can lengthen body), Susan Storm (capable of turning invisible), Johnny Storm (can create fire from hands and turn into torches) and Ben Grim (with the potential power under the mask of a monster)..