DePhazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. DePhazz is led by Pit Baumgartner, a German De Phazz Artist genre: Downtempo, Chill Out, Electronica, House, Deep House, Acid Jazz, Lounge Subscribe to updates Unsubscribe from updates DePhazz Discography MP3, , , BT, BTBTrabbit DePhazz Discography. High Quality (CBR kbps) Mp3 Store. dancepol90: 2 dephazz discography (lossless320) Download De Phazz or any other from Other Music category. DePhazz Discography (Mole Listening Pearls, Universal, Phazzadelic, Edel Records) MP3 320kbps CBR and FLAC Lossless. May 14, 2018 BY Download New Music Albums Discography for Free Leave a Comment DePhazz est un groupe de musique nu jazz germanique cr en 1997 par Pit Baumgartner qui commence par enregistrer l'album Detunized Gravity avec. (Acid Jazz, Lounge, Downtempo) DePhazz 13 albums, [FLAC lossless. DePhazz is a band from Heidelberg. The name of the group its members interpret as DEstination PHuture of jAZZ. DePhazz was formed in 1997 by the composer Pit Baumgartner, who was producing advertisements and worked in various art projects before he started a band. DePhazz; Discography; The Ball Is My Friend; DePhazz album The Ball Is My Friend. You can listen to free online album The Ball Is My Friend (DePhazz) on PlayVK music portal without logging in. Share this: VK Twitter Facebook Odnoklassniki. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from DePhazz. Low prices on De Phazz discography of music albums at CD Universe, with top rated service, De Phazz songs, discography, biography, cover art pictures, sound samples, albums, etc. Download DePhazz Discography ( ) or any other file from Music category. HTTP download also available at fast speeds. Die Band wurde 1997 von Pit Baumgartner als offenes Bandprojekt gegrndet; noch in der Schreibweise DePhazz erschien das erste Album Detunized Gravity. Haluk Soyoglu ist Mitbegrnder von DePhazz. Von ihm stammt auch der Name bzw. die Wortschpfung DePhazz als Abkrzung fr 'Destination Future Jazz Die Idee dahinter war, dass jedes Album eine Reise zu einem anderen. Big (2009) Label: Phazzadelic Catalog# : phazz 040 Format: CD Date: 30 Jan 2009 Style: Nu Jazz, Bossa Nova, Latin Jazz, Big Band dancepol90: Detuized Gravity 2CD 1997 (2002) Godsdog 2CD 1999 (2002) Death By Chocolate 2001 Best Of DePhazz: Beyond Lounge 2002 Daily Lama 2002 Plastic Love Memory 2002 Rare Tracks Remixes 2002 Natural Fake 2005 Days of Twang 2007 Big 2009. DePhazz discography and songs: Music profile for DePhazz, formed 1997. Genres: Downtempo, Nu Jazz, Trip Hop. Albums include Death by Chocolate, Godsdog, and Verve Remixed. Find DePhazz bio, music, credits, awards, streaming links on AllMusic Active since the late '90s, an eclectic De Phazz Artist genre: Downtempo, Chill Out, Electronica, House, Deep House, Acid Jazz, Lounge Subscribe to updates Unsubscribe from updates Complete your DePhazz record collection. Discover DePhazz's full discography. Shop new and used Vinyl and CDs. : DePhazz: Discography: : Acid Jazz, Trip Hop, Future Jazz, Downtempo, Jazzdance. Download for free DePhazz Discography ( ) flac DePhazz Discography ( ) lossless Music archive. DePhazz Discography ( ) download Here can free download singles, albums and compilations. MP3 is a digital audio format without digital rights management (DRM) technology. Because our MP3s have no DRM, you can play it on any device that supports MP3, even on your iPod. Die Band DePhazz wurde 1997 von Pit Baumgartner in Heidelberg gegrndet. Fortwhrende Mitglieder sind Pat Appleton, Barbara Lahr und Karl Frierson, Oli Rubow. Der Song Dummes Spiel ist die Erkennungsmelodie Inas Nacht NDR de phazz Free Search and Download Torrents at search engine. Download Music, TV Shows, Movies, Anime, Software and more. Die Band DePhazz wurde 1997 von Pit Baumgartner in Heidelberg gegrndet. Fortwhrende Mitglieder sind Pat Appleton, Barbara Lahr und Karl Frierson, Oli Rubow. Der Song Dummes Spiel ist die Erkennungsmelodie Inas Nacht NDR Listen toDePhazz on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 53 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. Lovely relax music from De Phazz. Album: Death by Chocolate Download DePhazz Discography ( ) LOSSLESS or any other file from Music category. HTTP download also available at fast speeds. DePhazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. DePhazz is led by Pit Baumgartner, a German producer who has varied the lineup of artists for every new album. jpg 36 KB; 04 Stephane Pompougnac Green Tree. mp3 1, 582 KB; 2006 Nu Note presentDePhazz collection DePhazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. DePh Showing official release groups by this artist. Show all release groups instead, or show various artists release groups. DePhazz Discography ( ) [LosslessMp3 Fast Download Dear visitor, you went to the site as an unregistered user. We encourage you to register or enter the site under your name. De Phazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. De Phazz is led by Pit Baumgartner, a German producer who has varied the lineup of artists for every new album. Some regular members are Barbara Lahr, Karl Frierson and Pat Appleton. Brand new originals from your favourite lounge punks. DePhazz featuring Pat Appleton Private. Imagine DePhazz as a jazz combo. Most people didnt like this one but I loved it (NuJazz Acid Jazz Lounge) DePhazz Black White Mono 2018, MP3 (tracks), 320 kbps 151. 4 MB DePhazz Private (2016) FLAC 250. 27 MB (Acid Jazz, Lounge, Downtempo) DePhazz discography, , 13 albums, [FLAC lossless Nu Jazz, Acid Jazz, Future Jazz (lossless): : RuTracker. org Download De Phazz discography. Bit Torrent Scene ( BTScene ) a public file sharing platform. to) is not a tracker and doesn't store any content and only collects metadata (such as file names and file sizes) and a link identifier). (NuJazz Acid Jazz Lounge) DePhazz Black White Mono 2018, MP3 (tracks), 320 kbps 151. 4 MB DePhazz Private (2016) FLAC 250. 27 MB De Phazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. DePhazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. DePhazz is led by Pit Baumgartner, a German producer who has varied the lineup of artists for every new album. 16 rowsFind DePhazz discography, albums and singles on AllMusic Torrent Trackers hash Could not find any peer statistics from any tracker. This does not mean the is dead..